Verified Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes To Provoke Your Thoughts

Authentic Verified Friedrich Nietzsche Quotes

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher.

His critiques of culture, religion, and philosophy will make you think deeper about life and begin to question things around you that you have taken for granted all this time.

verified friedrich nietzsche quotes

If you do not like to read those books by Nietzsche which are too dense or complicated to your liking, you should try reading “Introducing Nietzsche: A Graphic Guide.”

This book is easier to read and understand Nietzsche’s provocative views.

This graphic book is a good place to start if you are interested in Friedrich Nietzsche’s work.

In the meantime, let’s check out thought-provoking verified quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche on religion, God, love, life, morality and other life issues:

“Against boredom even the gods themselves struggle in vain.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Gegen die Langeweile kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens.” (German)

(The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Henry Louis Mencken, A. A. Knopf, 1920, Sec. 48)

(This quote is also found in:Complete works: Twilight of the Idols With The Antichrist And Ecce Homo by Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, Translated by Antony M. Ludovici, Wordsworth Editions, 2007, The Antichrist, 48; p.141)

(The quote in German is found .)

“How is it? Is man only a mistake of God? Or God only a mistake of man?” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Wie? ist der Mensch nur ein Fehlgriff Gottes? Oder Gott nur ein Fehlgriff des Menschen?” (German)

(The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight Of The Idols, The Antichrist By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 7; p.100)

(This quote is also found in: Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, Courier Corporation, 2012, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 7)

(The quote in German is found .)

“The more you let yourself go, the less others let you go.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Je mehr sich einer gehen lässt, um so weniger lassen ihn die anderen gehen.” (German)

(Human All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, Part II, Translated by Paul V. Cohn, B.A., George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1924, Miscellaneous Maxims And Opinions, 83; p.45)

(This quote is also found in: Human, All-Too-Human: Parts One and Two By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Paul V. Cohn, Contributed By J. M. Kennedy, Courier Corporation, 2012, Miscellaneous Maxims And Opinions, 83 ;p.273)

(The quote in German is found .)

“One must pay dearly for immortality; one has to die several times while still alive.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Man büßt es teuer, unsterblich zu sein: man stirbt dafür mehrere Male bei Lebzeiten.” (German)

(The Portable Nietzsche By Friedrich Nietzsche , Translated By Walter Kaufmann, Penguin, 1977, From Ecce Homo, How One Becomes What One Is)

(The quote in German is found .)

“Our vocation commands and disposes of us even when we do not yet know it; it is the future that regulates our today.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Unsre Bestimmung verfügt über uns, auch wenn wir sie noch nicht kennen; es ist die Zukunft, die unserm Heute die Regel giebt.” (German)

(Human All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, With An Introduction By Richard Schacht, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Vol. I, Preface, 7, P. 10)

(The quote in German is found .)

“Better know nothing than half-know many things.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Lieber nichts wissen, als vieles halb wissen!” (German)

(Thus Spake Zarathustra By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translate By Thomas Common, The Modern Library, 1917, Fourth And Last Part, 64. The Leech; p.278)

(This quote is also found in: Thus Spake Zatathustra By Friedrich Nietzsche, Courier Corporation, 2012, Fourth And Last Part, LXIV The Leech; p.176)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“One has to have a good memory if one is to keep a promise. One has to have a powerful imagination if one is to feel sym­pathy. So closely is morality tied to the quality of the intellect.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Man muß ein gutes Gedächtnis haben, um gegebene Versprechen halten zu können. Man muß eine starke Kraft der Einbildung haben, um Mitleid haben zu können. So eng ist die Moral an die Güte des Intellekts gebunden.” (German)

(Human All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, With An Introduction By Richard Schacht, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Vol. I, History Of The Moral Sensations, 59, P. 42)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“History is nothing but belief in the senses belief in falsehood.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Historie ist nichts als Glaube an die Sinne, Glaube an die Lüge.” (German)

(The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight Of The Idols, The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, “Reason” In Philosophy, Sec.1; p.117)

(This quote is also found in: Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, Courier Corporation, 2012, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, “Reason” In Philosophy, Sec.1)

(This quote in German is found here.)

“There is not enough love and goodness in the world for us to be permitted to give any of it away to imaginary things.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Es ist nicht genug Liebe und Güte in der Welt, um noch davon an eingebildete Wesen wegschenken zu dürfen.” (German)

(Human All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, With An Introduction By Richard Schacht, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Vol. I, The Religious Life, 129, P. 69)

(The quote in German is found .)

Life is worth living, says art, the beautiful temptress; life is worth knowing, says science.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Das Leben ist wert, gelebt zu werden, sagt die Kunst, die schönste Verführerin; das Leben ist wert, erkannt zu werden, sagt die Wissenschaft.” (German)

(The Complete Works Of Friedrich Nietzsche Edited By Dr. Oscar Levy, Vol. Six, On the Future of Our Educational Institutions: Homer And Classical Philology By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated And Introduction By J. M. Kennedy, T. N. Foulis, 1909, Homer And Classical Philology, Inaugural Address Delivered At Bâle University, 28th of May 1869; p.148)

(This quote is also found in: Homer And Classical Philology By Friedrich Nietzsche, Edited By Oscar Levy, Translated By J. M. Kennedy, The Floating Press, 2013, Homer And Classical Philology, Inaugural Address Delivered At Bâle University, 28th of May 1869; p.6)

(The quote in German is found .)

“When virtue has slept it will arise more vigorous.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Wenn die Tugend geschlafen hat, wird sie frischer aufstehen.” (German)

(Human All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, With An Introduction By Richard Schacht, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Vol. I, History Of The Moral Sensations, 83, P. 48)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“One will seldom go wrong if one attributes extreme actions to vanity, moderate ones to habit and petty ones to fear.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Man wird selten irren, wenn man extreme Handlungen auf Eitelkeit, mittelmäßige auf Gewöhnung und kleinliche auf Furcht.” (German)

(Human All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, With An Introduction By Richard Schacht, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Vol. I, History Of The Moral Sensations, 74, P. 46)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“I did that,” says my memory. “I cannot have done that” — says my pride, and remains adamant. At last — memory yields.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Das habe ich gethan”, sagt mein Gedächtnis. “Das kann ich nicht getan haben” – sagt mein Stolz und bleibt unerbittlich. Endlich – gibt das Gedächtnis nach.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 68; p.73)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 6; p.27

(The quote in German is found here.)

“He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Wer mit Ungeheuern kämpft, mag zusehn, dass er nicht dabei zum Ungeheuer wird. Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich hinein.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 146; p.87)

(This quote is also found in:  Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 85; p.29)   

(The quote in German is found .)

“Two different things the true man wants: danger and play. Therefore he wants woman as the most dangerous plaything.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Zweierlei will der echte Mann: Gefahr und Spiel. Deshalb will er das Weib, als das gefährlichste Spielzeug.” (German)

(Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None By Friedrich Nietzsche, New Translation From German By Thomas Wayne, New York: Algora Publishing, 2003, Part One, On Little Women Old And Young, P. 49) source

(The quote in German is found here.)

“Every tradition now continually grows more venerable the farther away its origin lies and the more this origin is forgotten; the respect paid to it increases from generation to generation, the tradition at last becomes holy and evokes awe and reverence; and thus the morality of piety is in any event a much older morality than that which demands unegoistic actions.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Nun wird jedes Herkommen fortwährend ehrwürdiger, je weiter der Ursprung abliegt, je mehr dieser vergessen ist; die ihm gezollte Verehrung häuft sich von Generation zu Generation auf, das Herkommen wird zuletzt heilig und erweckt Ehrfurcht; und so ist jedenfalls die Moral der Pietät eine viel ältere Moral, als die, welche unegoistische Handlungen verlangt.” (German)

(Human All Too Human: A Book For Free Spirits by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, With An Introduction By Richard Schacht, Cambridge University Press, 1996, Vol. I, History Of The Moral Sensations, 96,  PP. 51-52)

(The quote in German is found here.)

One is punished best for one’s virtues.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Man wird am besten für seine Tugenden bestraft.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 132; p.84)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 71; p.29)

(The quote in German is found here.)

Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Überzeugungen sind gefährlichere Feinde der Wahrheit als Lügen.” (German)

(Human All-Too-Human: A Book For Free Spirits, PArt I By Friedrich Nietsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, With Introduction By J. M. Kennedy, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1915, Ninth Division, Man Alone By Himself, 483, The Enemies Of Truth, p.355)

(The quote is also found in: Nietzsche: Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By R. J. Hollingdale, Introduction By Richard Schacht, Cambridge University Press, 1996, 9, Man Alone With Himself, 483, p.179)

(The quote in German is found in: Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch Für Freie Geister By Friedrich Nietzsche, Neutes Hauptück, Der Mensch Mit Sich Allein, 583, p.169)

(The quote in German is also found in: Menschliches, Allzumenschliches: Ein Buch Für Freie Geister By Friedrich Nietzsche, Die Sammlung Hofenberg, BoD – Book On Demand, Nordestedt, 2016, Neutes Hauptück, Der Mensch Mit Sich Allein, 583, p.221)

“In divining and keeping silent the friend should be a master you must not want to see all. Your dream should reveal to you what your friend does when he is awake.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Im Erraten und Stillschweigen soll der Freund Meister sein: nicht alles mußt du sehn wollen. Dein Traum soll dir verraten, was dein Freund im Wachen tut.” (German)

(Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None By Friedrich Nietzsche, New Translation From German By Thomas Wayne, New York: Algora Publishing, 2003, Part One, On The Friend, P. 43) source

(The quote in German is found here.)

“God is dead.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

(The Gay Science By Friedrich Nietzsche, Edited by Bernard Williams, Translated by Josefine Nauckhoff, Cambridge University Press, 2001, Book3, 108; p.109)

(This quote is also found in: The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Walter Kaufmann, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2010, Book3, 108, P. 167)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“We are always only in our own company.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Wir sind stets nur in unserer Gesellschaft.” (German)

(The Gay Science By Friedrich Nietzsche, Edited by Bernard Williams, Translated by Josefine Nauckhoff, Cambridge University Press, 2001, Book3, 166; p.135)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“That which requires to be proved is little worth.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Was sich erst beweisen lassen muß, ist wenig wert.” (German)

(The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight Of The Idols, The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, The Problem Of Socrates, Sec.5, P. 111) source

(The quote is also found in: Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, Courier Corporation, 2012, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, The Problem Of Socrates, Sec.5)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“When one has one’s wherefore of life, one gets along with almost every how.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Hat man sein warum? des Lebens, so verträgt man sich fast mit jedem wie?” (German)

(The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight Of The Idols, The Antichrist By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 12; p.100)

(This quote is also found in: Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, Courier Corporation, 2012, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 12)

(The quote in German is found here.)

”What does not kill me, strengthens me.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Was mich nicht umbringt, macht mich stärker.” (German)

(The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight Of The Idols, The Antichrist By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 8; p.100)

(This quote is also found in: Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, Courier Corporation, 2012, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 8)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“”He who cannot lie does not know what truth is”.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Wer nicht lügen kann, weiß nicht, was Wahrheit ist.” (German)

(Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book For All And None By Friedrich Nietzsche, New Translation From German By Thomas Wayne, New York: Algora Publishing, 2003, Fourth And Last Part, On The Higher Man, 9, P. 224) source

(The quote in German is found here.)

“Blessed are the forgetful: for they “get the better” even of their blunders.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Selig sind die Vergesslichen: denn sie werden auch mit ihren Dummheiten ‘fertig’ “ (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. VII, Our Virtues, 217; p.143)

(The quote is also found in: Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Beyond Good and Evil, Hellenism & Pessimism – 3 Unbeatable Philosophy Books in One Volume: The Birth of Tragedy By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Thomas Common, Helen Zimmern, Wm. A. Haussmann, e-artnow, 2017, Beyound Good And Evil, ch. VII, Our Virtues, 217)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“Christianity finds sickness necessary, just as the Greek spirit had need of a superabundance of health— the actual ulterior purpose of the whole system of salvation of the church is to make people ill.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Das Christenthum hat die Krankheit nöthig, ungefähr wie das Griechenthum einen Überschuss von Gesundheit nöthig hat, – krank – machen ist die eigentliche Hinterabsicht des ganzen Heilsprozeduren-System’s der Kirche.” (German)

(The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Henry Louis Mencken, A. A. Knopf, 1920, Sec. 51)

(This quote is also found in: Delphi Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche (Illustrated): Friedrich Nietzsche By Friedrich Nietzsche, Delphi Classics, 51)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“What is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Was aus Liebe getan wird, geschieht immer jenseits von Gut und Bose.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 153; p.88)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 92; p.29)  

(The quote in German is found here.)

“We think woman deep-why? because we never find any bottom in her. Woman is not even shallow.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Man hält das Weib für tief – warum? weil man nie bei ihm auf den Grund kommt. Das Weib ist noch nicht einmal flach.” (German)

(The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight Of The Idols, The Antichrist By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 27; p.103)

(This quote is also found in: : Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, Courier Corporation, 2012, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 27)

(This quote in German is found here.)

“Without music, life would be a mistake.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Ohne Musik wäre das Leben ein Irrthum.” (German)

(The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, The Twilight Of The Idols, The Antichrist By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, T. Fisher Unwin, 1899, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 33; p.104)

(This quote is also found in: : Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by Thomas Common, Courier Corporation, 2012, The Twilight Of The Idols; Or How To Philosophise With A Hammer, Apophthegms And Darts, 33)

(This quote in German is found here.)

“It is not the strength, but the duration of great sentiments that makes great men.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Nicht die Stärke, sondern die Dauer der hohen Empfindung macht die hohen.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 72; p.74)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 10; p.27)  

(The quote in German is found here.)

“He who cannot find the way to his ideal, lives more frivolously and shamelessly than the man without an ideal.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Wer den Weg zu seinem Ideale nicht zu finden weiss, lebt leichtsinniger und frecher, als der Mensch ohne Ideal.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 133; p.84)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 72; p.29)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“In der Rache und in der Liebe ist das Weib barbarischer als der Mann.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 139; p.85)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 78; p.29)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“The belly is the reason why man does not so readily take himself for a God.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Der Unterleib ist der Grund dafür, daß der Mensch sich nicht so leicht für einen Gott hält.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 141; p.86)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 80; p.29)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“Insanity in individuals is something rare–but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Der Irrsinn ist bei Einzelnen etwas Seltenes, — aber bei Gruppen, Parteien, Völkern, Zeiten die Regel.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 156; p.88)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 95; p.29)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“To talk much about oneself may also be a means of concealing oneself.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Viel von sich reden kann auch ein Mittel sein, sich zu verbergen.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 169; p.90)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 108; p.30)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“In praise there is more obtrusiveness than in blame.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Im Lobe ist mehr Zudringlichkeit, als im Tadel.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 170; p.90)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 109; p.30)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“One loves ultimately one’s desires, not the thing desired.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Man liebt zuletzt seine Begierde, und nicht das Begehrte.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 175; p.91)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 114; p.30)

(The quote in German is found here.)

“The vanity of others is only counter to our taste when it is counter to our vanity.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Die Eitelkeit Andrer geht uns nur dann wider den Geschmack, wenn sie wider unsre Eitelkeit geht.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 176; p.91)

(This quote is also found in: Writings Of Nietzsche: Volume 1 By Friedrich Nietzsche,, 2016, ch. IV, Apophthegms And Interludes, 115; p.30)

(The quote in German is found here.)

Thoughts are the shadows of our sensations – always darker, emptier, simpler. ” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Gedanken sind die Schatten unserer Empfindungen, — immer dunkler, leerer, einfacher, als diese.” (German)

(The Gay Science By Friedrich Nietzsche, Edited by Bernard Williams, Translated by Josefine Nauckhoff, Cambridge University Press, 2001, Book3, 179; p.137)

(This quote is also found in: A Nietzsche Reader by Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated by R. J. Hollingdale, Penguin UK, 2003, Psychological Observations,136

(The quote in German is found here.)

“One does not know cannot know the best that is in one.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

“Das Beste, was man ist, kennt man nicht, – kann man nichr kennen.” (German)

(Beyond The Good And The Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translated By Helen Zimmern, Introduction By Willard Huntington Wright, The Modern Library, 1917, ch. VIII, Peoples And Countries, 249; p.183)

(This quote is also found in: Beyond Good and Evil By Friedrich Nietzsche, Translation By Helen Zimmern,, 2017, ch.VIII, Peoples And Countries; p.111)

(The quote in German is found here.)

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