Insightful Maxims By Francois de La Rochefoucauld

Last Updated November 10th 2017

The popular French writer François de La Rochefoucauld is known for his maxims and memoirs.

A maxim is a short saying expressing a general truth or rule of conduct.

Here is a great selected collection of thought-provoking maxims or aphorisms from the book “Reflections Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims” written by François Duc de la Rochefoucauld between 1665 and 1678.

insightful maxims by francois de la rochefoucauldIt was translated from The Editions Of 1678 and 1827.

Insightful Maxims By François de La Rochefoucauld

His maxims covered a wide range of themes that include avarice, adversity, self-love, passion, pride and many more.

“Our virtues are most frequently but vices disguised.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nos vertus ne sont, le plus souvent, que de vices déguisés.” (French)


(This  quote is also found in: )

(This quote in French is found .)

“Self-love is the greatest of flatterers.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’amour-propre est le plus grand de tous les flatteurs.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Moral Maxims: )

(This quote in French is found .)

“Self love is more cunning than the most cunning man in the world.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’amour­propre est plus habile que le plus habile homme du monde.” (French) 


(This quote is also found in: )

(The quote in French is found .)

“Passion often renders the most clever man a fool, and even sometimes renders the most foolish man clever.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La passion fait souvent un fou du plus habile homme, et rend souvent les plus sots habiles.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: )

(The quote in French is found .)

“The passions possess a certain injustice and self interest which makes it dangerous to follow them, and in reality we should distrust them even when they appear most trustworthy.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les passions ont une injustice et un propre intérêt qui fait qu’il est dangereux de les suivre, et qu’on s’en doit défier lors même qu’elles paraissent les plus raisonnables.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 9; p.3)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Passions often produce their contraries: avarice sometimes leads to prodigality, and prodigality to avarice; we are often obstinate through weakness and daring through timidity.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les passions en engendrent souvent qui leur sont contraires. L’avarice produit quelquefois la prodigalité, et la prodigalité l’avarice; on est souvent ferme par faiblesse, et audacieux par timidité.” (French)


(This quote is alos found in: )

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Our self love endures more impatiently the condemnation of our tastes than of our opinions.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Notre amour­propre souffre plus impatiemment la condamnation de nos goûts que de nos opinions.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 13; p.3)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 13; p.3)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The clemency of Princes is often but policy to win the affections of the people.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

La clémence des princes n’est souvent qu’une politique pour gagner l’affection des peuples.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 15; p.3)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Moderation is caused by the fear of exciting the envy and contempt which those merit who are intoxicated with their good fortune; it is a vain display of our strength of mind, and in short the moderation of men at their greatest height is only a desire to appear greater than their fortune.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La modération est une crainte de tomber dans l’envie et dans le mépris que méritent ceux qui s’enivrent de leur bonheur ; c’est une vaine ostentation de la force de notre esprit ; enfin la modération des hommes dans leur plus haute élévation est un désir de paraître plus grands que leur fortune.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 18; p.4)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We have all sufficient strength to support the misfortunes of others.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous avons tous assez de force pour supporter les maux d’autrui.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 19; p.4)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 19; p.4)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Philosophy triumphs easily over past evils and future evils; but present evils triumph over it.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La philosophie triomphe aisément des maux passés et des maux à venir. Mais les maux présents triomphent d’elle.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: )

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We need greater virtues to sustain good than evil fortune.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il faut de plus grandes vertus pour soutenir la bonne fortune que la mauvaise.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 25; p.5)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 25; p.5)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Neither the sun nor death can be looked at without winking.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le soleil ni la mort ne se peuvent regarder fixement.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 26; p.5)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 26; p.5)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“People are often vain of their passions, even of the worst, but envy is a passion so timid and shame-faced that no one ever dare avow her.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le vrai moyen d’être trompé, c’est de se croire plus fin que les autres.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 27; p.5)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 27; p.5)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We have more strength than will; and it is often merely for an excuse we say things are impossible.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous avons plus de force que de volonté; et c’est souvent pour nous excuser à nous-mêmes que nous nous imaginons que les choses sont impossibles.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 30; p.6)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“If we had no faults we should not take so much pleasure in noting those of others.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Si nous n’avions point de défauts, nous ne prendrions pas tant de plaisir à en remarquer dans les autres.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 31; p.6)

(This quote is also found in: )

(The quote in French is found here.)

Jealousy lives upon doubt; and comes to an end or becomes a fury as soon as it passes from doubt to certainty.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La jalousie se nourrit dans les doutes; elle devient fureur, ou elle finit, sitôt qu’on passe du doute à la certitude.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 32; p.6)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 32; p.6)

(The quote in French is found here.)

Pride indemnifies itself and loses nothing even when it casts away vanity.”  – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’orgueil se dédommage toujours et ne perd rien lors même qu’il renonce à la vanité.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 33; p.6)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 33; p.6)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Pride is much the same in all men, the only difference is the method and manner of showing it.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’orgueil est égal dans tous les hommes, et il n’y a de différence qu’aux moyens et à la manière de le mettre au jour.” (French)

 (Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 35; p.6)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 35; p.6)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We promise according to our hopes; we perform according to our fears.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous promettons selon nos espérances, et nous tenons selon nos craintes.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 38; p.7)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 38; p.7)

(The quote in French is found .)

“Interest speaks all sorts of tongues and plays all sorts of characters; even that of disinterestedness.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’intérêt parle toutes sortes de langues, et joue toutes sortes de personnages, même celui de désintéressé.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 39; p.7)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 39; p.7)

(The quote in French is found .)

“Interest blinds some and makes some see.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’intérêt, qui aveugle les uns, fait la lumière des autres.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 40; p.7)

(The quote in French is found .)

“A man often believes himself leader when he is led; as his mind endeavours to reach one goal, his heart insensibly drags him towards another.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’homme croit souvent se conduire lorsqu’il est conduit; et pendant que par son esprit il tend à un but, son cœur l’entraîne insensiblement à un autre.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 43; p.7)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 43; p.7)

(The quote in French is found .)

“The caprice of our temper is even more whimsical than that of Fortune.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le caprice de notre humeur est encore plus bizarre que celui de la fortune.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 45; p.7)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 45; p.7)

(The quote in French is found here.)

Happiness is in the taste, and not in the things themselves; we are happy from possessing what we like, not from possessing what others like.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La félicité est dans le goût et non pas dans les choses; et c’est par avoir ce qu’on aime qu’on est heureux, et non par avoir ce que les autres trouvent aimable.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 48; p.7)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 48; p.7)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Our temper sets a price upon every gift that we receive from fortune.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Notre humeur met le prix à tout ce qui nous vient de la fortune.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 47; p.7)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 47; p.7)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We are never so happy or so unhappy as we suppose.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On n’est jamais si heureux ni si malheureux qu’on s’imagine.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 49; p.8)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 49; p.8)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Sincerity is an openness of heart; we find it in very few people; what we usually see is only an artful dissimulation to win the confidence of others.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La sincérité est une ouverture de cœur. On la trouve en fort peu de gens; et celle que l’on voit d’ordinaire n’est qu’une fine dissimulation pour attirer la confiance des autres.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 62; p.9)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 62; p.9)

(The quote in French is found here.)

Truth does not do as much good in the world, as its counterfeits do evil.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La vérité ne fait pas tant de bien dans le monde que ses apparences y font de mal.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 64; p.10)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 64; p.10)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“There is no praise we have not lavished upon Prudence; and yet she cannot assure to us the most trifling event.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“l n’y a point d’éloges qu’on ne donne à la prudence. Cependant elle ne saurait nous assurer du moindre événement.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 65; p.10)

(The quote in French is found .)

“What grace is to the body good sense is to the mind.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La bonne grâce est au corps ce que le bon sens est à l’esprit.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 67; p.10)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 67; p.10)

(The quote in French is found .)

“It is difficult to define love; all we can say is, that in the soul it is a desire to rule, in the mind it is a sympathy, and in the body it is a hidden and delicate wish to possess what we love — plus many mysteries.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est difficile de définir l’amour. Ce qu’on en peut dire est que dans l’âme c’est une passion de régner, dans les esprits c’est une sympathie, et dans le corps ce n’est qu’une envie cachée et délicate de posséder ce que l’on aime après beaucoup de mystères.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 68; p.10)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 68; p.10)

(The quote in French is found .)

“There are few people who would not be ashamed of being beloved when they love no longer.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il n’y a guère de gens qui ne soient honteux de s’être aimés quand ils ne s’aiment plus.”  (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 71; p.11)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 71; p.11)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We may find women who have never indulged in an intrigue, but it is rare to find those who have intrigued but once.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On peut trouver des femmes qui n’ont jamais eu de galanterie;mais il est rare d’en trouver qui n’en aient jamais eu qu’une.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 73; p.11)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 73; p.11)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“There is real love just as there are real ghosts; every person speaks of it, few persons have seen it.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est du véritable amour comme de l’apparition des esprits: tout le monde en parle, mais peu de gens en ont vu.”

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 76; p.11)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 76; p.11)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The love of justice is simply, in the majority of men, the fear of suffering injustice.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’amour de la justice n’est en la plupart des hommes que la crainte de souffrir l’injustice.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 78; p.11)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 78: p.11)

(The quote in French is found here.)

Silence is the best resolve for him who distrusts himself.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le silence est le parti le plus sûr de celui qui se défie de soi­ même.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 79; p.11)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 79; p.11)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“It is more disgraceful to distrust than to be deceived by our friends.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est plus honteux de se défier de ses amis que d’en être trompé.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 84; p.12)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 84; p.12)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Everyone blames his memory, no one blames his judgment.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Tout le monde se plaint de sa mémoire, et personne ne se plaint de son jugement.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 89; p.13)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 89; p.13)

(The quote in French is found .)

“In the intercourse of life, we please more by our faults than by our good qualities.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous plaisons plus souvent dans le commerce de la vie par nos défauts que par nos bonnes qualités.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 90; p.13)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 90; p.13)

(The quote in French is found .)

Old men delight in giving good advice as a consolation for the fact that they can no longer set bad examples.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les vieillards aiment à donner de bons préceptes, pour se consoler de n’être plus en état de donner de mauvais exemples.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 93; p.13)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 93; p.13)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“A man is perhaps ungrateful, but often less chargeable with ingratitude than his benefactor is.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Tel homme est ingrat, qui est moins coupable de son ingratitude que celui qui lui a fait du bien.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 96; p.14)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 96; p.14)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The head is ever the dupe of the heart.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’esprit est toujours la dupe du cœur.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 102; p.14)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Nothing is given so profusely as advice.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On ne donne rien si libéralement que ses conseils.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 110; p.15)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 110; p.15)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The blemishes of the mind, like those of the face, increase by age.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les défauts de l’esprit augmentent en vieillissant comme ceux du visage.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 112; p.15)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 112; p.15)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We are inconsolable at being deceived by our enemies and betrayed by our friends, yet still we are often content to be thus served by ourselves.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On ne se peut consoler d’être trompé par ses ennemis, et trahi par ses amis; et l’on est souvent satisfait de l’être par soi­ même.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 114; p.15)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 114; p.15)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“It is as easy unwittingly to deceive oneself as to deceive others.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est aussi facile de se tromper soi­même sans s’en apercevoir qu’il est difficile de tromper les autres sans qu’ils s’en aperçoivent.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 115; p.15)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 115; p.15)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We often act treacherously more from weakness than from a fixed motive.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’on fait plus souvent des trahisons par faiblesse que par un dessein formé de trahir.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 120; p.17)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 120; p.17)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We frequently do good to enable us with impunity to do evil.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On fait souvent du bien pour pouvoir impunément faire du mal.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 121; p.17)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 121; p.17)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Cunning and treachery are the offspring of incapacity.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les finesses et les trahisons ne viennent que de manque d’habileté.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 126; p.17)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 126; p.17)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The true way to be deceived is to think oneself more knowing than others.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le vrai moyen d’être trompé, c’est de se croire plus fin que les autres.” (French))

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 127; p.17)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 127; p.17)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“It is far easier to be wise for others than to be so for oneself.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est plus aisé d’être sage pour les autres que de l’être pour soi­même.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 132; p.18)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 132; p.18)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We sometimes differ more widely from ourselves than we do from others.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On est quelquefois aussi différent de soi­même que des autres.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 135; p.18)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 135; p.18)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“If it was not for the company of fools, a witty man would often be greatly at a loss.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Un homme d’esprit serait souvent bien embarrassé sans la compagnie des sots.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 140; p.19)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 140; p.19)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Usually we only praise to be praised.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On ne loue d’ordinaire que pour être loué.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 146; p.19)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 146; p.19)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Some reproaches praise; some praises reproach.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il y a des reproches qui louent, et des louanges qui médisent.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 148; p.19)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 148; p.19)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Fortune cures us of many faults that reason could not.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La fortune nous corrige de plusieurs défauts que la raison ne saurait corriger.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 154; p.20)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 154; p.20)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“There are some persons who only disgust with their abilities, there are persons who please even with their faults.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il y a des gens dégoûtants avec du mérite, et d’autres qui plaisent avec des défauts.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 155; p.20)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 155; p.20)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Flattery is base coin to which only our vanity gives currency.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La flatterie est une fausse monnaie qui n’a de cours que par notre vanité.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 158; p.20)

(This quote is also found in: )

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Nature makes merit, but fortune sets it to work.” – Francois de La Rochefoucauld

“La nature fait le mérite, et la fortune le met en oeuvre.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 153, P. 20)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 153. P. 20)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The world oftener rewards the appearance of merit than merit itself.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le monde récompense plus souvent les apparences du mérite que le mérite même.” (French)


(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 166; p.21)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Avarice is more opposed to economy than to liberality.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’avarice est plus opposée à l’économie que la libéralité.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 167; p.21)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 167; p.21)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Idleness and fear keeps us in the path of duty, but our virtue often gets the praise.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Pendant que la paresse et la timidité nous retiennent dans notre devoir, notre vertu en a souvent tout l’honneur.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 169; p.21)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 169; p.21)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“If one acts rightly and honestly, it is difficult to decide whether it is the effect of integrity or skill.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est difficile de juger si un procédé net, sincère et honnête est un effet de probité ou d’habileté.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 170; p.21)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 170; p.21)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“There are different kinds of curiosity: one springs from interest, which makes us desire to know everything that may be profitable to us; another from pride, which springs from a desire of knowing what others are ignorant of.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il y a diverses sortes de curiosité: l’une d’intérêt, qui nous porte à désirer d’apprendre ce qui nous peut être utile, et l’autre d’orgueil, qui vient du désir de savoir ce que les autres ignorent.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 173; p.22)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 173; p.22)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“It is far better to accustom our mind to bear the ills we have than to speculate on those which may befall us.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il vaut mieux employer notre esprit à supporter les infortunes qui nous arrivent qu’à prévoir celles qui nous peuvent arriver.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 174; p.22)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 174; p.22)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Our repentance is not so much sorrow for the ill we have done as fear of the ill that may happen to us.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Notre repentir n’est pas tant un regret du mal que nous avons fait, qu’une crainte de celui qui nous en peut arriver.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 180; p.23)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 180; p.23)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We do not despise all who have vices, but we do despise all who have not virtues.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

  “On ne méprise pas tous ceux qui ont des vices; mais on méprise tous ceux qui n’ont aucune vertu.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 186; p.23)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 186; p.23)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“There are men of whom we can never believe evil without having seen it. Yet there are very few in whom we should be surprised to see it.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il y a des gens de qui l’on peut ne jamais croire du mal sans l’avoir vu; mais il n’y en a point en qui il nous doive surprendre en le voyant.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 197; p.24)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 197; p.24)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Virtue would not go far did not vanity escort her.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La vertu n’irait pas si loin si la vanité ne lui tenait compagnie.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 200; p.25)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 200; p.25)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“He who thinks he has the power to content the world greatly deceives himself, but he who thinks that the world cannot be content with him deceives himself yet more.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Celui qui croit pouvoir trouver en soi­même de quoi se passer de tout le monde se trompe fort; mais celui qui croit qu’on ne peut se passer de lui setrompe encore davantage.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 201; p.25)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 201; p.25)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Folly follows us at all stages of life. If one appears wise ’tis but because his folly is proportioned to his age and fortune.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La folie nous suit dans tous les temps de la vie. Si quelqu’un paraît sage, c’est seulement parce que ses folies sont proportionnées à son âge et à sa fortune.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 207; p.25)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 207; p.25)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Most people judge men only by success or by fortune.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La plupart des gens ne jugent des hommes que par la vogue qu’ils ont, ou par leur fortune.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 212; p.26)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 212; p.26)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Valour in common soldiers is a perilous method of earning their living.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La valeur est dans les simples soldats un métier périlleux qu’ils ont pris pour gagner leur vie.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 214; p.26)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 214; p.26)

(The quote in French is found here.)

Hypocrisy is the homage vice pays to virtue.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’hypocrisie est un hommage que le vice rend à la vertu.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 218; p.27)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 218; p.27)

(The quote in French is found here.)

Gratitude is as the good faith of merchants: it holds commerce together; and we do not pay because it is just to pay debts, but because we shall thereby more easily find people who will lend.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est de la reconnaissance comme de la bonne foi des marchands: elle entretient le commerce; et nous ne payons pas parce qu’il est juste de nous acquitter, mais pour trouver plus facilement des gens qui nous prêtent.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 223; p.28)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 223; p.28)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Too great a hurry to discharge of an obligation is a kind of ingratitude.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le trop grand empressement qu’on a de s’acquitter d’une obligation est une espèce d’ingratitude.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 226; p.28)

(This quote is also found in: )

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Pride will not owe, self-love will not pay.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le trop grand empressement qu’on a de s’acquitter d’une obligation est une espèce d’ingratitude.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 226; p.28)

(This quote is also found in: )

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We are easily consoled at the misfortunes of our friends when they enable us to prove our tenderness for them.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous nous consolons aisément des disgrâces de nos amis lorsqu’elles servent à signaler notre tendresse pour eux.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 235; p.30)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 235; p.30)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“There is great ability in knowing how to conceal one’s ability.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“C’est une grande habileté que de savoir cacher son habileté.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 245; p.31)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 245; p.31)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“True eloquence consists in saying all that should be, not all that could be said.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La véritable éloquence consiste à dire tout ce qu’il faut, et à ne dire que ce qu’il faut.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 250; p.31)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 250; p.31)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“It is as common to change one’s tastes, as it is uncommon to change one’s inclinations.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il est aussi ordinaire de voir changer les goûts qu’il est extraordinaire de voir changer les inclinations.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 252; p.32)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 252; p.32)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The pleasure of love is in loving. We are happier in the passion we feel than in that we inspire.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le plaisir de l’amour est d’aimer; et l’on est plus heureux par la passion que l’on a que par celle que l’on donne.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 259; p.33)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 259; p.33)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We always like those who admire us; we do not always like those whom we admire.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous aimons toujours ceux qui nous admirent; et nous n’aimons pas toujours ceux que nous admirons.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 294; p.37)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 294; p.37)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Natural goodness, which boasts of being so apparent, is often smothered by the least interest.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le bon naturel, qui se vante d’être si sensible, est souvent étouffé par le moindre intérêt.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 275; p.35)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 275; p.35)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Some disguised lies so resemble truth, that we should judge badly were we not deceived.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il y a des faussetés déguisées qui représentent si bien la vérité que ce serait mal juger que de ne s’y pas laisser tromper.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 282; p.36)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 282; p.36)

(The quote in French is found .)

“The gratitude of most men is but a secret desire of receiving greater benefits.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La reconnaissance de la plupart des hommes n’est qu’une secrète envie de recevoir de plus grands bienfaits.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 298; p.37)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 298; p.37)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Many people despise, but few know how to bestow wealth.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Assez de gens méprisent le bien, mais peu savent le donner.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 301; p.37)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 301; p.37)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We find very few ungrateful people when we are able to confer favours.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On ne trouve guère d’ingrats tant qu’on est en état de faire du bien.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 306; p.38)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 306; p.38)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Lovers are never tired of each other, they always speak of themselves.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Ce qui fait que les amants et les maîtresses ne s’ennuient point d’être ensemble, c’est qu’ils parlent toujours d’euxmêmes.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 312; p.38)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 312; p.38)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Envy is more irreconcilable than hatred.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’envie est plus irréconciliable que la haine.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 328; p.40)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 328; p.40)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We pardon in the degree that we love.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On pardonne tant que l’on aime.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 330; p.40)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 330; p.40)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We hardly find any persons of good sense save those who agree with us.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous ne trouvons guère de gens de bon sens, que ceux qui sont de notre avis.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 347; p.42)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 347; p.42)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Sometimes we lose friends for whose loss our regret is greater than our grief, and others for whom our grief is greater than our regret.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On perd quelquefois des personnes qu’on regrette plus qu’on n’en est affligé; et d’autres dont on est affligé, et qu’on ne regrette guère.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 355; p.42)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 355; p.42)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Usually we only praise heartily those who admire us.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Nous ne louons d’ordinaire de bon cœur que ceux qui nous admirent.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 356; p.42)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 356; p.42)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Jealousy is always born with love, but does not always die with it.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La jalousie naît toujours avec l’amour, mais elle ne meurt pas toujours avec lui.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 361; p.43)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Son, And Marston, 1871, 361; p.43)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The evils we do to others give us less pain than those we do to ourselves.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les violences qu’on nous fait nous font souvent moins de peine que celles que nous nous faisons à nous­mêmes.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 363; p.43)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Son, And Marston, 1871, 363; p.43)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We may bestow advice, but we cannot inspire the conduct.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On donne des conseils mais on n’inspire point de conduite.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 378; p.44)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Reflections & Moral Maxims of Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld by François duc de La Rochefoucauld, D.P. Elder and M. Shepard, 1902, 378; p.101)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“We give up more easily our interest than our taste.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On renonce plus aisément à son intérêt qu’à son goût.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 390; p.45)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 390; p.45)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“There may be talent without position, but there is no position without some kind of talent.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Il y a du mérite sans élévation, mais il n’y a point d’élévation sans quelque mérite.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 400; p.46)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 400; p.46)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Rank is to merit what dress is to a pretty woman.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’élévation est au mérite ce que la parure est aux belles personnes.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 401; p.47)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 401; p.47)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The greatest effort of friendship is not to show our faults to a friend, but to show him his own.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Le plus grand effort de l’amitié n’est pas de montrer nos défauts à un ami; c’est de lui faire voir les siens.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 410; p.48)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 410; p.48)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Idiots and lunatics see only their own wit.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les fous et les sottes gens ne voient que par leur humeur.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 414; p.48)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 414; p.48)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“The vivacity which increases in old age is not far removed from folly.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La vivacité qui augmente en vieillissant ne va pas loin de la folie.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 416; p.48)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 416; p.48)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“As in friendship so in love, we are often happier from ignorance than from knowledge.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Dans l’amitié comme dans l’amour on est souvent plus heureux par les choses qu’on ignore que par celles que l’on sait.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 441; p.51)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 441; p.51)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Sometimes we meet a fool with wit, never one with discretion.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“On est quelquefois un sot avec de l’esprit, mais on ne l’est jamais avec du jugement.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 456; p.52)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 456; p.52)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Age is a tyrant who forbids at the penalty of life all the pleasures of youth.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La vieillesse est un tyran qui défend sur peine de la vie tous les plaisirs de la jeunesse.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 461; p.53)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 461; p.53)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Vanity makes us sin more against our taste than reason.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“La vanité nous fait faire plus de choses contre notre goût que la raison.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 467; p.53)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 467; p.53)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Pride as the other passions has its follies. We are ashamed to own we are jealous, and yet we plume ourselves in having been and being able to be so.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“L’orgueil a ses bizarreries, comme les autres passions; on a honte d’avouer que l’on ait de la jalousie, et on se fait honneur d’en avoir eu, et d’être capable d’en avoir.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 472; p.53)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Son, And Marston, 1871, 472; p.53)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“Our envy always lasts longer than the happiness of those we envy.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Notre envie dure toujours plus longtemps que le bonheur de ceux que nous envions.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 476; p.54)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 476; p.54)

(The quote in French is found here.)

“In their first passion women love their lovers, in all the others they love love.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Dans les premières passions les femmes aiment l’amant, et dans les autres elles aiment l’amour.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 471; p.53)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 471; p.53)

(The quote in French is found here.)

Quarrels would not last long if the fault was only on one side.” – François de La Rochefoucauld

“Les querelles ne dureraient pas longtemps, si le tort n’était que d’un côté.” (French)

(Reflections: Or Sentences And Moral Maxims by Francois Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Prince De Marsillac, Translated From The Editions Of 1678 And 1827 With Introduction, Notes, And Some Account Of The Author And His Times By J. W. Willis Bund, M.A. LL.B and J. Hain Friswell, Simpson Low, Marston & Company, Ltd., 1898, 496; p.56)

(This quote is also found in: Reflections: Or, Sentences and Moral Maxims By François Duc De La Rochefoucauld, Edited by John William Willis Bund, James Hain Friswell, Brentano’s, 1871, 496; p.56)

(The quote in French is found here.)</span