Between Saying And Doing, Many A Pair Of Shoes Is Worn Out Meaning

Let’s find out about the proverb, between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out meaning.

Between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out” is actually an old Italian proverbs.

In Italian is: “tra due e farsi guastano scarpe assai“.

This proverb is NOT by the Anglo-Irish novelist Iris Murdoch!

between saying and doing, many a pair of shoes is worn out meaningThe phrase “between saying and doing” means in the period of saying about it and doing it.

Many a pair of shoe have worn out” is a metaphor, which means a lot of time has passed or wasted.

For example, many a times we tell ourselves, one day we want to do something, but unfortunately, we just put it off aside.

Time and again, we still do not get down to do it as planned. We still put it off and probably still talking about doing it (hopefully one day!).

Before we know, it is well past a couple of years now, and nothing has been done.

I remember there is this scene from the movieUnder The Tuscan Sun“, which is based on Frances Maye’s memoir with the same title.

Someone asks Diana Lane (plays as Frances Mayes), how is her novel going, and she laughs it off, “Not so well. But the procrastination is coming along fabulously”.

Yes, admit it. We all procrastinate unabashedly.