Best 5 Jules Renard Quotations In French And English

Last update November 24th, 2017

I have specially selected out the best 5 Jules Renard quotations in French and English from his amazing journal.

The Journal of Jules Renard is a poetic, quirky and colorful collection of his autobiographical writing which started from 1887 to a month before his death in 1910.

I remember reading  Jules Renard said that keeping his journal is not a work of writing. It is just like making love every day is not love.

It was sheer hard work and it emptied him.

In fact, this journal influenced many famous writers that include Somerset Maugham and Donald Barthelme.

best 5 Jules Renard quotations in French and EnglishThe British writer W. Somerset Maugham was so inspired after reading this journal that he decided to publish his own collection called “A Writer’s Notebook“.

Here is the best 5 Jules Renard quotations in French and English:

“The scholar generalizes, the artist individualizes.” – Jules Renard

“Le savant généralise, l’artiste individualise.” (French)


(The quote in French is found in: )

(Another .)

“If you want to please women, tell them the things you would not want other men to tell your wife.” – Jules Renard

“Si vous voulez plaire aux femmes, dites-leur ce que vous ne voudriez pas qu’on dît à la vôtre.” (French)


(The quote in French is found in: )

(Another .)

“Fame is the smoke without fire that we hear so much about.” – Jules Renard

“La gloire, c’est la fumée sans feu dont on parle tant.” (French)


(The quote in French is found in: )

(Another .)

“If you fear solitude, do not try to be just.” – Jules Renard

“Si tu crains la solitude, n’essaie pas d’être juste.” (French)

(The Journal of Jules Renard By Jules Renard, Edited And Translated By Louise Bogan And Elizabeth Roget, Tin House Books, 2008, 1905, July; p.221)

(The quote in French is found in: Les oeuvres complètes de Jules Renard : 1864-1910, Vol.14, Francois Bernouard, 1927, juillet 1905; p.1195)

(Another .)

“Don’t tell a woman she is pretty. Tell her that she is not like the others, and all her avenues will be open to you.” – Jules Renard

“Ne dites pas à une femme qu’elle est jolie. Dites-lui seulement qu’elle ne ressemble pas aux autres, et toutes ses carrières vous seront ouvertes.” (French)

(The Journal of Jules Renard By Jules Renard, Edited And Translated By Louise Bogan And Elizabeth Roget, Tin House Books, 2008, 1898, April-Chaumot; p.126)

(The quote in French is found in: Les oeuvres complètes de Jules Renard : 1864-1910, Vol.12, Francois Bernouard, 1927, 29 avril 1898; p.585)

(Another link.)

Here is an amazing collection of my selected Jules Renard quotes from his complete journal with links to his book.

You can see the actual quotations from the book.

In short, all the quotes are authentic.