Two Reasons Why You Should Read Brian Tracy’s Advice Right Now

The two obvious reasons why you should read Brian Tracy’s advice is…

Simple and effective.

He writes very simple and easy-to-understand language.

In fact, all his books offered basically the same few practical advice.

There is nothing extraordinary about his words, but they are great reminders.

At any time, you can just pick up any one of his many books, and read any page you like.

You will be motivated to take some kind of actions.

Why You Should Read Brian Tracy’s Advice

Here is a good collection of Brain Tracy quotes which can motivate and guide you to achieve your personal and business goals faster.

As I have said, his quotes are simple and very direct. Mostly devoid of fancy play on words.

why you should read Brian Tracy's advice

But still these personal development guru-cum-author Brian Tracy quotations are very profound and inspirational.

Read and find out for yourself.

“The only real limits on what you can be, do, or have are the limits you place on yourself by your own thinking.”


“You become what you think about most of the time.”

(Be A Sales Superstar: 21 Great Ways to Sell More, Faster, Easier In Tough Markets By Brian Tracy,, 2011, Preface, P. x)

“The majority of people tend to be passive in their responses and reactions to life, constantly wishing and hoping that something good will happen to them.”

(Create Your Own Future: How to Master The 12 Critical Factors Of Unlimited Success by Brian Tracy, John Wiley & Sons, 2002, Introduction: There Are No Limits, You Can Create Your Own Future, P. xi)

Hope is not a strategy for success.”

(Create Your Own Future: How To Master The 12 Critical Factors Of Unlimited Success by Brian Tracy, John Wiley & Sons, 2002, Introduction: There No Limits, Hope Is Not A Strategy, P.xi)

“You do not believe what you see; you rather see what you already believe.”

(Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How To Unlock Your Full Potential For Success And Achievement By Brian Tracy, John Wiley & Sons, 2011, Introduction, Question Your Beliefs)

“When you are living in harmony with your highest values and your innermost convictions – when you are perfectly balanced in life- then you enjoy peace of mind.”

(Maximum Achievement: Strategies And Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers To Succeed By Brian Tracy, Simon and Schuster, 2011, Ch. 1, Make Your Life A Masterpiece, Peace Of Mind, P. 23)

“You are not what you think you are, but what you think, you are.”


“You are where you are and what you are because of what you believe yourself to be.”

(Maximum Achievement: Strategies And Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers To Succeed By Brian Tracy, Simon And Schuster, 2011, The Master Program, P. 63)

“Your success in life and work will be determined by the kinds of
habits that you develop over time.”

(Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways To Stop Procrastinating And Get More Done In Less Time By Brian Tracy, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2017, Introduction, Develop The Habits Of Success, P. 3)

Ideas are the stepping stones to the achievement of every goal.”

(Create Your Own Future: How to Master The 12 Critical Factors of Unlimited Success by Brian Tracy, John Wiley & Sons, 2002, Principal 8- You Are A Genius, P. 166)

“You overcome your fears only by doing the thing you fear until the fear has no more control over you.”

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“The potential of the average person is like a huge ocean unsailed, a new continent unexplored, a world of possibilities waiting to be released and channeled toward some great good.”

(Goals!: How To Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible: Easy Read Comfort Edition by Brian Tracy,, 2008, 1. Unlock Your Potential. P. 1)

“One of the rules for success is this, it doesn’t matter where you’re coming from; all that matters is where you’re going.”

(Goals!: How To Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible, By Brian Tracy, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2004, 1. Unlock Your Potential, P. 7)

“Your thoughts form and shape your world and everything that happens to you.”

(Goals!: How To Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible By Brian Tracy, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010, Get Started: Unlock Your Potential, Create Your Own World, P. 9)

“The fact is that you can’t manage time; you can only manage yourself.”

(Goals!: How To Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible By Brian Tracy, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2010, Ch. 17, Manage Your Time Well, Begin With A List)

“A feeling of optimism is a prerequisite for success and happiness.”

(Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers To Succeed By Brian Tracy, Simon & Schuster, 1993, Ch.7, The Master Decision, P. 215)

Success is not an accident. It is not a matter of luck but of design. It is simply a matter of cause and effect”

(Flight Plan: The Real Secret Of Success by Brian Tracy, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009, Introduction: The Real Secret Of Success, P. 2)

(You can also find this quote .)

“The quality of your life is largely determined by the quality of your time management.”


You should get his best selling books as listed below:

Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How To Unlock Your Full Potential For Success and Achievement

Reinvention: How To Make The Rest Of Your Life The Best Of Your Life

Note: You can get these seven free e-books by Brain Tracy from Google.

Goal:How to Get Everything You Want — Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible” –  click here.

Maximum Achievement: Strategies and Skills That Will Unlock Your Hidden Powers to Succeed” click .

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How To Unlock Your Full Potential For Success and Achievement” –  click here.

Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways To Stop Procrastinating And Get More Done In Less Time” – click here.

No Excuses!: The Power Of Self-Discipline” –  click here.

The Power of Charm: How to Win Anyone Over in Any Situation” – click here.

Million Dollar Habits: Proven Power Practices to Double and Triple Your Income” – click .

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